15:00, Saturday, November 12th 2022
APD Center for Art Patronage and Development
Creative Square, No. 1, Luong Yen, Bach Dang, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi
The accelerated changes of the contemporary world, technological advances along with the expansion of information, ways of thinking and theories have activated and opened up new various paths of approach and expression for art in general and painting in particular.
With the same tradditional flat surface of the canvas, contemporary painting has moved away from the focus on artist’s performance of technical layers and vigorous pen strokes. Instead, the main concerns are now on the thinking process, techniques of expression, aesthetic and social perspective and personal attitude of the artist. The artwork is a response and dialoge with the present-day world, reflecting the artist’s interaction with issues on developmental pace and the psycho-physio aspects of the contemporary society, facing the arising issues of time, space, parallelism, multilingualism, complexes, the bio-geo conflicts of the modern life.
Art talk “BENT EATS BENT, STRAIGHT EATS STRAIGHT” is an opportunity to discuss with the curator and artists of the project, understand their concerns, sources of inspirations as well as processes of thought and creation. We hope to receive diverse and in-depth contributions to paint a deep and holistic picture for the course of art development in Vietnam with suggestions for art practices.
The talk is a part of APD’s Contemporary Art Research and Development Project, featuring curator Trần Lương and artists Lại Diệu Hà, Nguyễn Xuân Hoàng, Phạm Trần Việt Nam, Nguyễn Đoan Ninh, Trần Nhật Thăng, Đặng Quang Tiến, Trịnh Minh Tiến, Nguyễn Đình Hoàng Việt; moderated by Lê Tú Anh.
* The event is organized by APD Center for Art Patronage and Development with the support from UPGen Vietnam.