The field trip of 11 artists at Mao Khe coal mine, Quang Ninh province in October 2001 was initiated and organized by Trần Lương with the support of the Vietnam Fine Arts Association and the Management Board of Mao Khe Coal Mine. Mao Khe Coal Mine Project took place for more than half a month, during which the artists lived and worked together with the miners in the pit, and witnessed the reality of life—naked and harsh but also generous and humane. Artists participating in the project include: Đinh Công Đạt, Lê Quảng Hà, Hà Trí Hiếu, Đào Anh Khánh, Trần Lương, Nguyễn Trí Mạnh, Phạm Ngọc Minh, Đinh Quân, Lê Hồng Thái, Nguyễn Bảo Toàn, Lê Vũ.
Four months after its completion, the project’s exhibition was held at Hanoi Contemporary Art Center in February 2002. Its video documentary was then largely shown at various locations around the world until recently, right before the outbreak of Covid 19: from the House of World Culture (HKW) in Berlin, Germany to the Havana Biennale in La Havana, Cuba, SEA experimental film festival in Bangkok, Thailand & Redcat L.A., USA, National Gallery Singapore, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan, Art Museum Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art, Taiwan…