Tầm Tã Curating is the curatorial practice program developed and led by curator Trần Lương, organized by the APD Center for Art Patronage and Development, to provide foundational knowledge and skills on contemporary art curatorial practice.

Along with the development/changes of the world and art, the role of a ‘curator’ is bounded to being in charge of collections at galleries or museums but has expanded in both width and depth of functions/tasks, operation mechanisms, approaching methods as well as in research and practice. Is the curator a specialist, a content director, a ‘cultural programmer’, a digital archivist, a writer or editor? What does a curator of an antique pottery collection have in common with a curator of a visual art exhibition or contemporary dance festival? Which area curating a community development project, or a digital-image archive can be located in?

This course is an opportunity for participants to approach methodically and closely the contemporary practical curatial practice – in the contemporary spirit, present’s space, in the context of local background and periphery of academic standards.

Through exchange/discussion with experts, ‘case study’ research/analysis with practical experience (initiating and developing personal projects’s proposals) in this course, you will have chance to:

– Initially approach/understand the role and essence of contemporary art curatorial practice, which encompasses various types and methods, and spreads to many areas and contexts.

– Broaden one’s understanding of contemporary art curator’s work (how curators work with an art project or exhibition).

– Develop curatorial vision and practice that meets individual career direction/interest through in-depth mentoring and discussion, and practicing basic skills in organizing and running art exhibitions/projects (building project’s concept and artistic approach, writing proposal, statement and description for the project, working on art’s subjects, space, design, media publication, etc.)

– Participants also have the opportunity to receive one-on-one mentoring/instruction in each individual’s specific project (on various aspects including specific subjects of the project, forms of artwork, direction for research, specific tentative exhibition space, project’s text and design, etc.)

The program has 12 sessions, for participants of 20 years and older from all professions and fields, anyone who is interested and desires to learn about art in general, curatorial practice in particular, through open dialogues, practice and real experience.