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Nguyễn Đình Chiểu Pedestrian Street, Hue City
5 – 13 June 2010
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hue Festival Center Tali Media
Trần Lương
Lê Việt Trung, Phan Lê Chung, Vũ Đức Toàn, Nguyễn Thế Sơn, Trần Hữu Nhật, Nguyễn Duy Hiên, Vũ Hồng Ninh, Nguyễn Huy An, Trần Hậu Yên Thế, Lê Đình Nguyên, Himiko Nguyễn, Trần Thị Thu Hà, Nguyễn Văn Hè, Trần Tuấn
Held within the framework of Hue Festival 2010, “Nặng Bồng Nhẹ Tếch” was a part of the project “Vì một hành tinh xanh” (For a Green Planet), an effort to use art for raising people’s awareness of environmental issues. The exhibition brought together young artists from three regions of Vietnam, featuring 11 works selected from 47 applications submitted to the project. The installation art exhibition “Nặng Bồng Nhẹ Tếch” was created with the desire to contribute voices of art pracitioners to the environmental protection. The works addressed various environmental aspects, reflecting new perspectives on urging issues from immigration, exploitation of exhaustible natural resources to waste management, climate change and the consequences of environmental pollution.
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01 scan document